Traditional single family homes

Traditional single family homes

Some of the lots in older towns allow subdivisions for lots larger than certain size. For example lot in Campbell was just over 15000 sq.ft. and city had a very simple process of subdividing it in 2 properties of equal size. However because of natural total width of the lot we were unable to split it in even rectangles. We had to design a flag lot on a rear and rectangular lot in a front in order to satisfy city requirements.

3500 sq.ft. 4 bedrooom, 3-½ bathrooms was built on a flag lot and 2500 sq.ft.  3 bedroom  2-½ bath with bonus room in a basement was built on a front lot. Both homes was done for a local developer and were put up for sale. Due to city design guidelines in was impossible to set 2nd floor directly over 1st floor exterior walls. On all sides 2nd floor is offset for 3-5’ to be able to fit into daylight plane.

Traditional single family homes

Traditional single family homes

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